Diana Wynne Jones Wiki

A series of worlds which worship the goddess Asheth. Despite the particular oddity that it’s residents communicate in what appears to be English, the culture of this set of worlds is distinctly Indo-Arabic, as the world puts Christopher in mind of the world presented in his unexpurgated copy of The Arabian Nights, but the design of Asheth resembles a great many Indian female deities.


The Temple of Asheth[]

A temple dedicated to the goddess herself.

Industrial city[]

There is a second location in Series Ten that is visited by both Christopher and Tacroy. It is not clear whether it is the same world, but it is clear that the goddess Asheth is worshipped there. It is nothing like the first location we have seen on in Series Ten. This one is heavily industrialized. Christopher and Tacroy meet at a dock. Christopher is crushed by a falling hook at this location and wakes up in his upper bunk on Twelve-A.
