Diana Wynne Jones Wiki

In The Merlin Conspiracy, Alicia Temple is the daughter of Sybil Temple and the older sister of Ambrose Temple (Grundo).  Whether it is an inherited disposition or just plain built-in meanness, Alicia is a bully and a self-serving opportunist who never misses an opportunity to torment her learning-challenged brother or to put down others, including protagonist Roddy (Arianrhod Hyde).

All three are members of the King's Progress in the world of Blest, being children of hereditary wizards on the royal payroll.  Alicia, however has schemed her way into selection as a Royal Page, which gives her even more access to power than being the child of the Earthmistress of England.

Alicia is instrumental in preventing her brother and Roddy from being given any information about the whereabouts of the Progress when they attempt to return from a visit to Roddy's Welsh grandfather.  She is also mean and self-serving during the final confrontation of the book, which causes her to end up in deep trouble.  An altogether disagreeable goody-two-shoes of a character.
